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Ensure fire safety, save life, save property!

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About us

The Apieriver Rural FPA was established due to the requirements of section 3 of the National Veld-and forest fires, Act 101 of 1998. The said Act provides, inter alia, that owners can form an association with the purpose to prevent, predict, manage and extinguishing veld fires.

The Minister of Water Affairs & Forestry Department, currently Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, has accepted the Constitution and business plan, and gave his approval for the registration of the Apiesrivier Rural FPA on 23 March 2006.

What is a Fire Portection Association:

An Fire Protecetion Asscoiation is consist of land owners that want co-oporate with each other for the purpose of predicting, preventing, mangaging and extinguishing veldfires to safeguard, lives, livlihood and the environment.

Why become a member of the FPA?

Fires are an increasing source of concern every year during the winter months. The fires cause emergency conditions and can result in disasters. But at the same time grass fires happen naturally as part of the normal process in grass veld, plantations, fynbos and also from natural forests. Forest fires are a major problem as it causes risk on life, property and the environment. The ecosystem is damaged each time during a fire. It is important to know how to predict, prevent, control, and manage to douse fires.

According to Act 101 of 1998, if the owner does not belong to a FPA, he is required to provide his own equipment and staff, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to be available on his property if a fire would arise or spread.

To ensure that you as owner abide by the Act 101 of 1998 on Veld- and Forset Fires may you join to become a member of Apiersrivier FPA.